
I love Daddy

Eating to music....... Posted by Picasa

MJ 's first bites

Time to get this little guy going on the solids.....he wasn't too sure about it at first but he picked up speed and he seemed to like it. Posted by Picasa
JJ wanted to get in on the action while Michael was having his first taste of baby food. Yummy, pears! Posted by Picasa

Dad and KM

After some chips and guacamole there were lots of smiles to go around Posted by Picasa


Big Sista

Katie is so good with the boys, they love spending time with her. JJ asks for her every morning and he needs to know where she is at all times! Posted by Picasa

Big Brother Kisses

This is Joseph's kissing face...he loves to give us kisses (of course you have to catch him in just the right mood....). Posted by Picasa


MJ really needs some more toys..he he he
He loves his mirror and his little blue doggy that plays a nice tune.  Posted by Picasa


Tummy Time

Michael hates to be on his tummy, but he needs tummy time to build up his muscle. Thomas and I watched him roll from tummy to back on Friday the 14th.  Posted by Picasa

Big shoes to fill

They might be on the wrong feet, but Joseph has some big shoes to fill. He loves to play with shoes, especially daddy's.  Posted by Picasa

Lunch with Grandpa

While dad was here he wanted to go to his favorite Dallas restaurant, the brewery. It was a nice day out and the Chicago pizza was delicious.  Posted by Picasa


Kathleen and Mom

After an afternoon of swimming with Grandpa John and a day at the salon for me, thought it would be a nice time for a girl pic.  Posted by Picasa


Big Boy

Now that he is 2, he is too too cool! Posted by Picasa


Mommy and Michael

We had an early appointment in Dallas with Michael yesterday, he still looks sleepy. What a pain it was to get his birth certificate since he was born in the car, no one wanted to give us one. Thomas is the man and he got it done.  Posted by Picasa

Ready to go?

Michael had fun on JJ's birthday too, but he was ready to leave McDonald's before his big brother was.  Posted by Picasa

JJ and Daddy

Birthday boys need lots of Daddy loving.  Posted by Picasa

Birthday Boy

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Happy 2nd Birthday Joseph!!!!!

Joseph and Katie with the cake.....he ate it and spread the frosting everywhere! Posted by Picasa


Joseph sports his new ball and his new hat....along with a newly acquired pootie to take the place of his bottle. I can't believe he turned two today. Posted by Picasa


Little Fishies

He was just too cute to pass up this morning as we were heading out to do some shopping. Posted by Picasa

Casa De Casey

Here is our home sweet home. Posted by Picasa


Here is Michael at 3 months...... Posted by Picasa


Here is Joseph, when he was 3 months old....... Posted by Picasa


Two Soldados

No two soldados were ever this handsome......JJ can't wait to be just like his big strong daddy! Posted by Picasa

Kathleen and Michael

Kathleen is so much help with her little bros.....they sure adore her. Having a teenager with babies in the house is highly recommended.  Posted by Picasa

Silly Bubba

Joseph is always on the go and it is tough to get a picture of him. Here Daddy chased him around and he was playing hide and seek in between the couch and the ottoman.....Gotcha!! Posted by Picasa