
New Do.....

Babe, here are the new pics......wish you
were here, miss you like crazy. Love LA
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Time to say Goodbye.......

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Family Fun

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Daddy's last time to put the boys to bed
before leaving.

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Last Park Play

Our last playtime at the park before
Daddy has to leave.
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Our last meal out as a family....missing Katie
since she had to go take care of her horse.
The boys sure love their Daddy, he is an
awesome one.

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Ok, this was a dirty trick, but it was too
hard to pass it up since we had the camera.

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Little Climbers

From the stories I have heard, I think
the boys inherited their love of climbing
from their Daddy.

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Canopy or Garage?

Daddy built this canopy so we could have some shade
when we needed it.....I am not sure if that was his real

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Happy Early BDAY!

Since Daddy won't be here for Joseph's
3rd birthday next month, he decided to
give his gift a little early. I am not sure who
had more fun with the new Jeep.....

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Backyard fun

Mikey really likes to play outside, as you
can see, he is a big help with the yard work.

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